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Megan Curran

English 1213

Reflective Essay

Professor Hammett

05 May 2024

Word Count: 715







Final Reflection Essay


       Entering my English course, I held a decent level of confidence in my writing abilities. I could construct arguments, express my thoughts clearly, and appropriately use different styles of writing, but I lacked finesse and depth and knew I had room to grow. However, as the semester progressed, I not only honed my skills, but also broadened my perspective on writing. This was only due to the guidance of an extremely helpful professor, plenty of time to complete assignments, and a vast number of resources to pull from.

       Since this class was centered around the theme of “absurd fiction”, it paired well with my philosophy course. But even with this helpful coincidence, I struggled with wrapping my head around Project 2. Project 1 was easy in comparison. In fact, the hardest part was choosing a worthy social epidemic to research, but ultimately decided to go with something personal to me. I had difficulty pulling sources; TCC’s library is incredibly out of date, Google Scholar was frustrating because in order for decent access, it costs money. Comp I had prepared me, but numerous inconsistencies between both classes ended up confusing me, like the various, conflicting feedback about in-text citations from both my professors and the writing lab. I struggled to organize my ideas and lacked compelling evidence for my arguments. But as the course progressed, I saw a real change. My writing became clearer and more detailed. I learned to use different writing techniques, like the PEE format, to make my arguments stronger. However, Project 2, while frustrating, truly helped my critical thinking skills.

       Two essays stood out in the course: the argumentative and rhetorical ones. The argumentative essay offered the opportunity to sharpen my ability to construct compelling arguments and present them persuasively. I learned to recognize weak spots in them and strengthen them, helping the coherence, style, and tone of my writing. Additionally, the rhetorical analysis essay challenged me to explore complex literary texts in-depth and draw meaningful connections between them, circling back to critical thinking. Through this process, I greatly enhanced my analytical skills and learned to appreciate the nuances of different literary works, especially absurd literature, which I had never heard of before this class. In general, these essay projects allowed me to apply the writing skills I had learned in a practical context, which is crucial for the career path I have chosen.

       One of the most crucial lessons I learned was the importance of thorough research and evidence-based argumentation and sources. I realized that a compelling argument is only as strong as the evidence supporting it. The TCC writing lab was instrumental in helping me learn to conduct comprehensive research, critically evaluate sources, and incorporate relevant evidence into my essays effectively. As a result, I improved at finding and using reliable sources. Feedback provided by Ms. Hammett was instrumental in guiding my growth as a writer. By carefully reviewing my essays, offering constructive criticism, and providing multiple attempts for perfection, she helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, allowing me to focus on areas that needed improvement. Each writing assignment played a pivotal role in helping me refine and master my writing skills. Every task was meticulously designed to target specific areas of improvement, whether it be argumentation, analysis, or rhetorical strategies. Through continuous practice and feedback, I was able to refine my writing skills and achieve a level of mastery that I had previously thought unattainable. Overall, this course and professor provided me with the tools and guidance necessary to elevate my writing from proficient to exceptional.

       In the end, this English course was a game-changer for me; it has equipped me with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel as a writer. I entered the course as a proficient writer but emerged as a confident and skilled communicator. The lessons I learned and the skills I gained will serve me well in my future writing endeavors. I am grateful for the support and consideration of my instructor and the writing lab, whose feedback and encouragement helped me grow as a writer. Overall, this English course experience has been incredibly rewarding and I am excited to keep continuously improve my writing skills.

Project 3

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